2 April 2024

YMCA SA Receives Social Enterprise Certification

YMCA South Australia has achieved certification as a social enterprise through Social Traders. This accreditation highlights YMCA South Australia’s dedication to providing positive impact through its services to the community.

Social Traders provides the only social enterprise certification in Australia and requires businesses to clearly communicate their impact on the community through.

  • Having a clear purpose with a direct community benefit
  • Derive a substantial portion of income from trade
  • Invest efforts and resources so that the community benefit outweighs private benefit

The Y’s roots lie in creating positive change in the community to improve the whole person in mind, body, and spirit. Through its diverse service offerings in recreation, children’s services, youth empowerment and allied health, the Y is committed to building a stronger, healthier community.

By earning certification, YMCA South Australia joins a group of organisations that have demonstrated a contribution to creating a better world.

Read more about Social Traders on their website Socialtraders.com.au

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